CFS & Bonded Warehouse
J.D. Brokers is a CFS (Container Freight Station) bonded warehouse, used as a transitory storage for imported and exported goods. Bonded means that the CFS has the authority from the Customs & Border Protection Agency to receive shipments that are under a customs bond.
Freight shipments are deconsolidated (import) and consolidated (export).
At a CFS, the goods normally belong to a number of different customers, and the shipment is often done via LCL shipments.
Bonded Warehouse
J.D. Brokers’ warehouse is also a Certified Bonded Warehouse from the Customs & Border Protection Agency, in which dutiable goods may be stores, manipulated, or undergo manufacturing operations without payment of duty, for up to 5 years after the day of importation.
This simplifies storage, increases efficiency by allowing the storage of goods near distributors, and gives importers the option to store goods for a longer period at lower cost.